How to fix VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software error “ODS6501E”


How to fix error ODS6501E and unable to save workbench status when VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software is activated as shown in the figure?
VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software error ODS6501E solution-1 VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software error ODS6501E solution-2 VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software error ODS6501E solution-3 VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software error ODS6501E solution-4

Solution offered by engineer:
There is something wrong with the software, please free download the latest software ODIS 5.1.6.
Free download ODIS 5.1.6 software + Postsetup 89.5.30:
Security: No risk!
VAS 6154 ODIS 4.3.3 software error ODS6501E solution-5
Link 2: //
Password: kl3nxz
Security: No risk!
Note: It is recommended to scan WeChat QR code to download.

Operating system: V-A-S 6154 works perfect with windows 7 (recommend) and windows XP

V-A-S 6154 ODIS 5.1.6 Software Language Available: English, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Spanish, French, Italian, Croatian, Danish, German, Swedish, Finnish, Slovenian, Czech, Russian, Greek, Chinese

Support vehicle: support VW, Audi and Skoda vehicles from 2000 onward including NEW & FUTURE MODLES under production.

VAS6154 ODIS V5.1.6 Computer Windows System Requirements:
Windows System Language: American English
Win 7 Professional version
System C:// have to be NTFS format
C:// need to have at least 40GB space for installing ODIS V5.16

VXDIAG ODIS 5.1.6 Installation Guide:
1.Install OffboardDiagSetup-Service_VWMCD_5_1_6-B51_6_0_10.exe setup. Required upload license for Launcher+License+Plugins 5.1.6 folder
2. Then copy and replace the OffboardDiagLauncher.exe file and plugins folder from Launcher+-License-+Plugins 5.1.6 root directory to ODIS root directory
3.Install USB stick to create database PstSetup_89.5.30.iso
4.Run ODIS, upload the PostSetup files as prompted by the software. The PostSetup installation process takes about 1 to 2 hours.



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